Welcome to EmpowerHer Wellness Center

Book Now for our transformative wellness services and take the first step towards holistic healing and empowerment!

Hypnobirthing Classes

Join our hypnobirthing classes to empower yourself with the tools for a calm and positive birthing experience.

Goddess Tranquil Birth Classes

Experience the power of a tranquil birthing experience with our Goddess Tranquil Birth classes.

Pregnancy, Birth, Postpartum Packages

Explore our comprehensive packages designed to support you through every stage of your journey to motherhood.


Participate in our workshops to gain valuable insights and tools for holistic wellness and empowerment.

Birth Trauma Counseling

Receive compassionate counseling and support to heal from birth-related trauma.

Postpartum Counseling

Find guidance and support for your emotional well-being during the postpartum phase.

Anxiety, Trauma, Food and Mood Disorders

Experience healing and empowerment in overcoming anxiety, trauma, and food and mood disorders.

Couples Enrichment Sessions

Strengthen your relationship and bond with your partner through our enriching sessions for couples.

Ready to Begin Your Journey to Empowerment?

Take the first step towards holistic wellness and inner healing by booking your transformative services now!